This blog, 2009 onwards...
- The Garden as the World (09 March 2025)
- The Changing Commons (13 February 2025)
- Priorities and Power: An AI Governance Proposal (13 January 2025)
- GenAI in Educational Institutions (09 November 2024)
- First Impressions: The Digital Personal Data Protection Act (21 August 2023)
- [SSRN] Indian Music: Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Rights (24 April 2023)
- Data Protection and the Bill of Unintended Consequences (27 November 2021)
- Contracts, Clauses, and Checklists (05 May 2022)
- Viewing Copyright Policy through Music and Injury (01 April 2022)
- Reimagining Worlds and Works through Translation (24 November 2021)
- Blockchain: Copyright and (De)Centralisation (26 October 2021)
- Copyright/Cinematograph Statutory Dissonance (19 June 2021)
- The Pandemic and the Path to Equitable Healthcare (11 May 2021; republished by Bar and Bench on 29 May 2021)
- First Principles: The Anticipated Non-Personal Data Governance Framework (14 January 2021)
- [SSRN] Negotiated Content Dissemination Under Copyright Law (18 November 2020)
- Comments: Proposing to De-Criminialise Copyright Offences (08 July 2020)
- Copyright Crimes in Colonial and Contemporary Times (21 June 2020)
- [Link] Contouring IPR and service sector regulation against COVID-19 (08 June 2020)
- Continuing Royalties for Authors and Performers (30 May 2020)
- [Link] Courts, Contracts & Coronavirus (05 May 2020)
- Contracting in the Wake of Contagion (06 April 2020)
- #CancelEverything: Interpreting 'Force Majeure' Clauses and Contractual Obligations (15 March 2020)
- Street Art and the Law in India (15 November 2019)
- The Legality of Making Sense of Data (12 August 2019)
- [Link] The Future of Copyright Policy in India (19 July 2019)
- #FOEIndiaSeries: A series of 14 posts on free speech in India (May to July 2019)
- The Draft Copyright Rules (May 2019) (06 June 2019)
- [Note] 31D Does Not Apply to Internet Broadcasting, After All (10 May 2019)
- [Link] Technology, Fears of Cultural Submergence, and Video Regulation in India (09 May 2019)
- On Countering the Proliferation of Child- and Other Non-Consensual Porn (22 April 2019)
- [Link] The Cumulative Effect of Recent Internet Regulation (18 February 2019)
- [Note] On Relying on the Constitutionalism and Institutions... (11 February 2019)
- [Link] State Intervention in the Development of Digital India (07 January 2019)
- The Tensions Between Indian Art and Indian Law (05 January 2019)
- [Link] Cross-Sectoral Conceptions of ‘Public Interest’ (02 December 2018)
- Jurisdictional Ambiguity in Content Regulation (04 November 2018)
- [Link] The Rule of Law (04 November 2018)
- Aadhaar: Techno-Capitalism, Constitutionalism, and Patriarchy (29 September 2018)
- IPC Section 377 and Publishing Explicit Content (11 September 2018)
- Structuring Privacy through Confidentiality Obligations (04 August 2018)
- First Impressions: The Data Protection Bill (28 July 2018)
- [Links] Trafficking and Free Speech (25 July 2018)
- Copyright and TRAI's Recommendations for the Benefit of PWDs (17 July 2018)
- TRAI Recommendations on Privacy, Security, and Data Ownership (17 July 2018)
- The Problems with Evidence-Based Policy (15 July 2018)
- [Link] The Unjustifiability of Absolute Free Speech (16 June 2018)
- [Links] Concerns about the Reportage of Sexual Violence (29 May 2018)
- The Regulation of Online Content (19 May 2018)
- Jaleel and Indian Street Art (18 May 2018)
- Legal Reportage and Contempt of Court (30 April 2018)
- [Links] Rape, the Death Penalty, and the General (In)Effectiveness of Our Responses to Rape (22 April 2018)
- [Note] On Revealing the ID of the Child Raped in Kathua (15 April 2018)
- Copyright: Content, Carriage, and Creation (14 April 2018)
- [Link] Fake News, Criminal Law, and Public Discourse (31 March 2018)
- Identity & Confidentiality Obligations re Workplace Sexual Harassment (15 March 2018)
- [Presentation] Indian Art and Copyright Law (10 March 2018)
- [Link] The Legitimacy of Images of Women Breastfeeding (08 March 2018)
- Copyright and Access to the Law (12 December 2017)
- [Link] On the Publication of a List of Alleged Abusers in Academia (27 October 2017)
- Data Protection, Financial Privacy, and Domestic Violence (31 August 2017)
- [Link] Privacy as a Fundamental Right (24 August 2017)
- Informational Self-Determination v Privacy (Note) (30 April 2017)
- Reputation and Defamation: Legal Interpretation and Reform (22 March 2017)
- Historical and Legendary Figures in Art (22 March 2017)
- Liability for Others' Content (Case Note) (26 December 2016)
- The National Anthem Case (Note) (03 December 2016)
- Copyright Law, Balance, and the Expression of Non-Partisanship (28 November 2016)
- The Enhanced Scope of the 31D Statutory Licence for Broadcasters (14 October 2016)
- The Constraints Governing (My) SocMed Use (05 October 2016)
- (Blog Title Changed) (30 September 2016)
- The Doctrine of Auto-Block (Note) (21 September 2016)
- [Link] Sedition Law: Its History and Constitutionality (19 August 2016)
- Evergreening Copyright and the Lengthening of Copyright Terms (08 August 2016)
- Free Speech and Women's Rights in India (18 July 2016)
- Art, Acclaim, and Legal Protection (07 July 2016)
- Perumal Murugan and the Judicial Defence of Free Speech (06 July 2016)
- Clothes and Intellectual Property (16 May 2016)
- The National IPR Policy 2016 (14 May 2016)
- Criminal Defamation Held Constitutional (14 May 2016)
- Gag Orders: Privacy v. Defamation (22 April 2016)
- Equity and the Reportage of Human Rights Violations (23 March 2016)
- Concerns: The Cinematograph Bill, 2013 (15 February 2016)
- Discriminatory Tariff Regulations and Net Neutrality (13 February 2016)
- Note: Protecting Traditional Indian Textiles (14 December 2015)
- The Legality of Publishing Explicit Content (12 December 2015)
- The Author's Right to Attribution (Or Not) (06 November 2015)
- Conscience, Criticism, and Copyright (Or how Section 52, Indian Copyright Act, works...) (30 October 2015)
- Case Law Extract: (No) Copyright in Titles (15 October 2015)
- Proto-Copyright in Medieval India (22 August 2015)
- The 857-Site Porn Ban and the Contours of Indian Public Discourse (09 August 2015)
- Digital Inheritance (13 June 2015)
- The Challenges to the Constitutionality of Various IT Law Provisions (25 March 2015)
- Link: India's Daughter (21 March 2015)
- The Colonial and Sexist Overtones of Indian Copyright Law (11 January 2015)
- Off Label Uses of Laws? (22 September 2014)
- An Aereoesque Business Model in India (26 June 2014)
- Access to Cultural Heritage and Exceptions to Copyright Infringement (17 June 2014)
- India's Free Speech Discourse: The Case for Nuance (03 June 2014)
- India's First 1847 Copyright Statute (22 April 2014)
- Book Publishers and Free Speech (15 April 2014)
- The Legality of Parodies under Indian Law (Part II): Issues beyond Copyright (31 March 2014)
- Free Speech in Shades of Grey (10 March 2014)
- On Aaron Swartz (11 January 2014)
- Law on the Disclosure of the Identity of Rape Victims (21 November 2013)
- Arguments on Porn, Rape and Free Speech (15 July 2013)
- The Banning of Content under the CrPC (12 July 2013)
- The Banning of (Published) Content under the Customs Act (06 July 2013)
- What the Privacy Rules Apply To (05 July 2013)
- Thoughts on Pornography and Free Speech (23 March 2013)
- Legal Impediments to Speaking Out about Abuse (20 February 2013)
- Hot News Misappropriation (18 February 2013)
- The Legality of Parodies under Indian Law (Part I): Copyright Issues (24 January 2013)
- Blog. Tweet. Blog. Tweet. Blog. | Non-legal | A response to a post by Prashant Reddy at SpicyIP (15 January 2013)
- Fighting the Online Abuse of Women (21 November 2012)
- Copyright Law and a Derivative Culture (21 October 2012)
- The Draft Copyright Rules v1.0: Preliminary Concerns (9 September 2012)
- The Applicability of the 2009 IT Act Rules to Blocking Online Information (23 August 2012)
- ISP/OSP Safe Harbours and Takedown Laws: Copyright and Information Technology (15 June 2012)
- The Performer's Right under the 2012 Act (14 June 2012)
- The Impact of the 2012 Amendments on the 1957 Copyright Act (14 June 2012)
- The Intermediary Rules, Takedowns and Free Speech (09 June 2012)
- Indian Copyright Amendments and the Notion of 'Balance' (08 June 2012)
- The Scope of the 31D Statutory Licence wrt Television Broadcasters (30 May 2012)
- New Film and Music Royalties under the 2012 Copyright Act (25 May 2012)
- The Copyright Bill / Act 2012 (21 May 2012)
- Sedition: Defaming the State (01 May 2012)
- The Criminalisation of Speech Promoting Societal Disharmony (14 April 2012)
- Guidelines Regulating Child Television Performances (20 March 2012)
- The Performer's Right (13 March 2012)
- The Right to Privacy through the Lens of Content Law (27 February 2012)
- Civil and Criminal Defamation Law in India (26 February 2012)
- The Legality of Recording Telephonic Conversations (20 February 2012)
- Preliminary Drafts of Some Agreements (02 February 2012)
- Broadcasting, Films and the 2011 Indian Intermediary Guidelines (18 January 2012)
- A Brief Compilation of Indian Content Law (18 January 2012)
- The Doctrine of Independent Creation (15 December 2011)
- Copyright and Censorship (16 November 2011)
- Poland: A Fact-Checker as Co-Author (03 November 2011)
- Notes on Copyright and Currency (30 October 2011)
- Following Instructions: Origami and Other Crafts (15 October 2011)
- Preliminary Issues involved in exploiting "Cultural Art" (25 September 2011)
- 101: Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism (15 September 2011)
- The Proposed Statutory Broadcasting Licence (08 September 2011)
- Raw Data Relating to the Proposed Indian Copyright Amendment (01 September 2011)
- The 2011 Copyright Bill on Copyright Societies (31 August 2011)
- The 2011 Copyright Bill on Out-film Royalties (31 August 2011)
- The 2011 Copyright Bill on the Settlement of Assignment Disputes (31 August 2011)
- 2011 Copyright Bill on the Copyright Board (31 August 2011)
- The 2011 Version of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill (30 August 2011)
- DIT Clarification on the 2011 Privacy Rules (25 August 2011)
- T-Series v. MySpace: First Reactions (24 August 2011)
- Case Report: Landscape Art not Copyrightable (15 August 2011)
- The Law Governing OS Licences (15 August 2011)
- Section 14, not 14(1) Describes Copyright (15 August 2011)
- Redefining Music Rights and the Landscape of Copyright Licensing Contracts (28 July 2011)
- Links: Copyright Series (17 July 2011)
- The Copyrightability of Tattoos (15 July 2011)
- 101: The ‘Public Domain’ (15 July 2011)
- Case Report: Harmonisation of Antitrust and Copyright Provisions (15 July 2011)
- Software Development on an OS Base (25 June 2011)
- Copyleft Ambiguities (23 June 2011)
- Negotiating a Copyright Licence with Copyleft Terms (21 June 2011)
- 101: The Protection afforded to Facts and Data (06 June 2011)
- Factors affecting Cross-Border Acquisitions of Copyrighted Works (30 May 2011)
- Microfinancing and Creation (15 May 2011)
- Case Report: Alleged Plagiarism by a Thesis Guide (30 April 2011)
- The Law of Biography (15 April 2011)
- The Infringement Default (30 March 2011)
- Links: Plagiarism in Indian Academia (15 March 2011)
- The Statutory Nature of Copyright (10 March 2011)
- The Potential Copyrightability of Ideas (28 February 2011)
- Film Clearance (22 February 2011)
- What is International Exhaustion? (20 February 2011)
- The Book Debate (SSRN) (18 February 2011)
- Compulsory Licensing Not a Certain Remedy to the Possible Loss of LPEs (16 February 2011)
- The Potential Applicability of Section 2(m) to Exports (14 February 2011)
- Hyperlinks and Copyright Infringement (30 January 2011)
- Link: Bollywood/Hollywood (20 January 2011)
- The Exclusivity of Balloon Dogs (17 January 2011)
- Links: Articles Published in 2010 on the Copyright Bill (14 January 2011)
- Case Report: Exhaustion and Promotional CDs (12 January 2011)
- Copyrighting Couture (27 December 2010)
- An Analysis of the PSC Report on the Copyright Bill, 2010 (21 December 2010)
- The Difficulties of Protecting Performance Art (13 December 2010)
- The PSC's Take on the Proposed "Bollywood Amendments" (29 November 2010)
- Consequences of the Possible Loss of Respect for Territoriality (29 November 2010)
- ISP Liability and the Parliamentary Standing Committee's Recommendations (28 November 2010)
- The Report of the PSC on the Copyright (Amendment), 2010 (26 November 2010)
- The Artist’s Resale Right (25 November 2010)
- Software Royalties and Taxation (24 November 2010)
- The Territorial Extent of Copyright Contracts (05 November 2010)
- The Possible Legality of Downloading in India (22 October 2010)
- Revenue Sharing in a Music Band (20 October 2010)
- Actors and the Proposed Copyright Amendments (16 October 2010)
- Ownership of User Generated Content (14 October 2010)
- Copyright Infringement, Plagiarism and Theft (08 October 2010)
- Films, the Exhaustion of Rights and the Proposed Copyright Amendment (08 October 2010)
- Adaptations, Derivations and Transformations in Copyright Law (06 October 2010)
- Time-Shifting, Audio-Visual Recordings and the Broadcast Reproduction Right (04 October 2010)
- Ghost-writing, Plagiarism and Copyright (20 September 2010)
- Is Copyright Infringement Theft? (15 September 2010)
- Canning Copyright: Existing and Proposed Law (07 September 2010)
- Actors and the Proposed Copyright Amendment (04 September 2010)
- Copyright Societies and the Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (02 September 2010)
- Attribution of Licences under the Proposed Copyright Amendment (31 August 2010)
- Getting Moral Rights Waived (15 July 2010)
- OSP / ISP Liability and the Copyright (Amendment) Bill (01 July 2010)
- The Exhaustion of Rights and Indian Copyright Law (24 June 2010)
- DRM and other Implications of the Copyright (Amendment) Bill (11 June 2010)
- Cover Versions and the Proposed Amendments to Copyright Law (04 June 2010)
- Voluntary Copyright Contracts and the Proposed Amendment (03 June 2010)
- Statutory Licences for Radio Broadcasting under the Proposed Amendments (21 May 2010)
- Non-Voluntary Copyright Licences: Current Law and the Proposed Amendment (21 May 2010)
- Shares of Royalties in Music Publishing Agreements (10 May 2010)
- Disability and the Indian Copyright Amendment Bill, 2010 (05 May 2010)
- The Principal Director as an Author of a Film (30 April 2010)
- Films and the Copyright Amendment (21 February 2010)
- Hyperlinks and Copyright Infringement (01 February 2010)
- India and the Google Book Settlement (16 November 2009)
- Format Rights (12 October 2009)
- The Rise and Fall of the Divisibility of Copyright Ownership in the US (27 September 2009)
- Joint Ownership and Copyright Licences (23 September 2009)
- The Interplay between Copyright and Employment Law (21 August 2009)
- Audio-Visual Recordings and the Broadcast Reproduction Right (09 March 2009)